Next on the classic Machinedrum software review list is Ivity’s MD UW Editor. If UW Edit was short and sweet (see previous review), this program is big and bold, right down to the color scheme.

Program Overview
The idea behind this program is to be able to fully control the Machinedrum UW right from your computer. It has been a while since I have used this program since my workflow is not like this, so bear with me if my memory is not quite right (or better yet leave a comment!). I don’t ever remember seeing a manual for this software and basically you had to learn it by trying things out.
You begin with setting up a MIDI connection between your computer and the Machinedrum. This might be with a USB MIDI cable or else perhaps your sound card has MIDI connectors. Then launch the program. Set up your MIDI connection in the navy blue area of the program under MIDI Out. There is also a MIDI Thru (!) connection in case you want to control your MD from an external controller. The Base Channel can usually be left at 1-4 since that is the default for the Machinedrum. See the Machinedrum manual for more about the Base Channel and how to select it. You can also use this area (I think) to save any kits you make to the MD.

In the olive yellow area at the bottom you can also save your kit as an XML file on your computer(!). Wow, for the right person who knows XML this could be pretty awesome. I don’t know XML sadly, but I know it gets used a lot for web data mining and other things. So (speculation alert) maybe if you did know XML the following would be possible. Suppose you had a bunch of Machinedrum kits (there are a lot at Elektron Users) and you converted them all to XML. Then you might be able to make a database of all the kits and mark them up as having sounds you like and sounds you don’t. Then maybe you could extract the data to show you the various sweet spots of the Machinedrum according to your preferences. Then you could make your own defaults and templates based on what you like. Disclaimer – this might need a robot army or a Ph.D. in something but it’s an idea.

Kits Area
And I’m not even done with this section. There is also an area called Save Variations and Load Variations. Scenes on the Machinedrum? Honestly I don’t remember messing around with this but if this is Scenes on the Machinedrum, wow. My workflow with the Machinedrum is hands-on but if you use it with the computer this could be a whole new world for a live set.
Can you post a link to download the software ?
I currently have md_uw_editor_v08_443 and I don’t know if it’s the last update.
Also I can’t find the Max Source Patch which could be very interesting to get to port it to Max earlier versions or even to Max4Live. I’m also considering making an IOS App out of it.
The only working links I have are posted here (at the end) The background to my blog post is that I remember using this software and went back to research it. I could not find my old download as it was so long ago. Ivity’s site disappeared. However, you can find out more information on Ivity and his music here Also available is his name. Maybe there is some way you can contact him.
I found that link aswell and was mostly interested in getting the max patch.
I’ll try contacting him.
Thank you very much for your fast reply !
I had another idea. He has some tracks on Beatport as Phoiod and you might be able to contact his label if you run out of other options. The label might be able to pass your info along. Good luck.